Meeting agendas
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting PUBLIC
October 17, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the September 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. Lights & Sirens on Personally Owned Vehicles Policy
9. LifeQuest New Rates Update
10. Ambulance Standby Rate Raise
11. 2024 Fire Budget Approval
12. 2024 Ambulance Budget Approval
13. Financial Reports and Approval
14. New Business
15. Schedule Next Meeting
16. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting PUBLIC
August 15, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Board may adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the July 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. Audit Committee
9. Secretary Position
10. Budget Review
11. Financial Reports and Approval
12. Adjourn into Closed Session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
13. Move into Open Session
14. Statement Action from Closed Session
15. New Business
16. Schedule Next Meeting
17. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting PUBLIC
July 18, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the June 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. 1st half of 2023 Budget Comparison
9. Shared Revenue
10. Financial Reports and Approval
11. New Business
12. Schedule Next Meeting
13. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting
PUBLIC June 20, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the May 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
a. CPR class equipment
8. Financial Reports and Approval
9. New Business
10. Schedule Next Meeting
11. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting
PUBLIC May 24, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Board may adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the April Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Election of Board Officers
7. Fire Chief Report
8. Ambulance Director Report a. Rodeo staff
9. Financial Reports and Approval
10. Adjourn into Closed Session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
11. Move into Open Session
12. Statement Action from Closed Session
13. New Business
14. Schedule Next Meeting
15. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting
PUBLIC April 12, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Board may adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the Minutes from March Meeting
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. Financial Reports and Approval
9. Adjourn into Closed Session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract.
10. Move into Open Session
11. Statement Action from Closed Session
12. New Business
13. Schedule Next Meeting
14. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting
PUBLIC March 21, 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Board may adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Ambulance Contract with Clintonville.
Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the Minutes from February Meeting
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. Financial Reports and Approval
9. Adjourn into Closed Session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Ambulance Contract with Clintonville.
10. Move into Open Session
11. Statement Action from Closed Session
12. New Business
13. Schedule Next Meeting
14. Adjourn
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting
PUBLIC February 13th 2023
6:00 PM
There will be a meeting of the Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board on Monday, February 13th 2023 at 6:00pm at the Manawa Municipal Building. This meeting is Open to the Public
Open Meeting Statement: this meeting and all other meetings of the Board are open to the Public. Proper Notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Read Open Meeting Statement
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve the Minutes from January meetings
5. Public Comment
6. Fire Chief Report
7. Ambulance Director Report
8. Financial Reports and Approval
a. Hire the Fire and Ambulance Secretary Angie Jacobsen
9. New Business
10. Schedule Next Meeting
11. Adjourn
meeting minutes
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at Manawa City Hall President Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read.
Board members present: Jackie Beyer, Rod Beyer, Jeff Handschke, Marlyn Ebert, Mary Eck, Jim Roenz, Joel Henschel. Others present: Chief Josh Smith, Ambulance Director Ryan Schultz, Secretary Angie Jacobsen . No Public present.
Moved to approve the September 19, 2023 agenda. R. Beyer/Ebert. Carried.
Moved to approve the August 15, 2023, meeting minutes. Roenz/Ebert. Carried
Public comment: None
Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. Participated in Memorial Cleanup in Wisconsin Rapids with other County Departments. Completed Annual fit tests/physicals this month. Assisted with watering the Rodeo Grounds for the High School Rodeo. Brought on a new member and handed out another application. Brush truck update: Should be getting powder coated and new anticipated delivery date by the end of this month. Will be participating in the Manawa Fall Fest by having an open house. Fire Prevention at the schools is the following week. Will be assisting with Homecoming week events. We have had 10 incident responses since the last meeting and are currently on call 102 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 10:35, for our incidents is 7:48. 4 in City of Manawa – 2 False Alarms, 2 Lift Assists. 1 in Little Wolf – 1 Vehicle Fire. 2 in Union – 1 Accident Scene, 1 Lift Assist. 2 in Royalton – 1 Landing Zone, 1 Lift Assist. 1 in Waupaca – Change of Quarters.
Ambulance report: Report given by Director Schultz. Manawa High School Rodeo went well. Didn’t have to transport anyone. Annette Ziebell thanked the department for being there. The new monitor has not arrived yet. Ryan would like to look at the policy for use of lights and sirens on personal vehicles. Currently it is not allowed. Ryan has drafted an updated policy and would like it added to next month’s agenda. The calendar raffle is going well. The department has talked about doing other fundraisers for next year, possibly a bowling tournament. EMT class in Waupaca was cancelled due to low enrollment. Working with FVTC to see if we can get the class here. Luebke is a trainer with FVTC. Ryan handed out budget options, one with Flex paramedics and without. If went with Flex paramedics we would not need any intercepts and would be able to keep the funds here. Currently have 3 employees that are qualified. Ryan received a rate review from LifeQuest including a raise for rates and a projected breakdown for next year. He would like to review the Standby Rates that are currently charged for events. Total ambulance runs for August 2023 were 28. Manawa 13. Little Wolf 4. Royalton 4. Union 5. Lebanon 0. Standby for Clintonville 1. Mutual aid for Clintonville – 1. Total runs for 2023 is at 273. Runs for 2022 at this time was 283.
Financial reports were given. Handschke asked if some of the Fire Checking money should be moved to the Fire Money Market account to earn more interest. Agreed to move half of Fire Checking money to the Fire Money Market account at Premier Community Bank. Moved to approve the financial reports. Eck/Handschke. Carried. Audit Committee: They met on August 29, 2023 to go over 6 months of 2023. There were no discrepancies to note. Moved to accept the audit report. Ebert/Roenz. Carried.
LifeQuest New Rates Approval: Moved to approve the presented LifeQuest rates effective October1, 2023 pending verification from LifeQuest or as soon as allowed. Eck/R. Beyer. Carried.
Budget Review: Budget discussion. Director R. Schultz suggested going with the Flex Paramedic Option for the Ambulance budget. This option proposes a 30% raise. Chief J. Smith suggested a 5% raise for the Fire Department budget. Budget approval with be added to the October meeting agenda.
Closed Session: Moved to Adjourn into Closed Session at 7:30pm per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract. Eck/Roenz. Carried.
Closed session minutes:
Open Session: Moved to move into open session at 7:45pm. Roenz/R Beyer. Carried.
The City of Manawa will decline Clintonville Area Ambulance’s offer to combine services. The current contract between Manawa Rural Ambulance Department and Clintonville Area Ambulance will expire December 31, 2023 and will not be renewed.
New Business: Add to next agenda – Lights & Sirens on Personally Owned Vehicles Policy. Budget Approval. Ambulance Standy Rate Raise.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm. Ebert/R Beyer. Carried.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at Manawa City Hall President Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, J Roenz, Kelly Norton. Others present: Chief J Smith, Ambulance Director R Schultz, Secretary A Jacobsen . No Public present.
Moved to approve the August 15, 2023 agenda. Eck/R. Beyer. Carried.
Moved to approve the July 18, 2023, meeting minutes. Handschke/Ebert. Carried
Public comment: None Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. Will be going to the State Firefighter’s Memorial in Wisconsin Rapids for clean-up day. Responded to the River Rail Fire Incident on 8/2/23 as a group of Strike Team Tenders from the County. Department yearly physicals and fit tests are scheduled for 8/24/23. Have an in-process inspection of the brush truck in Marion. Still saying it will be delivered the end of August. We have had 11 incident responses since the last meeting and are currently on call 92 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 10:45, for our incidents is 7:58. 1 in City of Manawa – 1 Vehicle Fire. 1 in Little Wolf – 1 Lift Assists. 2 in Union – 1 Vehicle Fire, 1 Lift Assist. 2 in Royalton – 1 Structure Fire, 1 Lift Assist. 1 in Coverage Area – Severe Weather Standby. 2 in Iola – 2 Structure Fires. 1 in Shiocton – 1 Structure Fire. Ambulance report: Report given by Director Schultz. The Weekender in Symco went well. There was a high volume of people that attended. Ryan thanked the fire department for helping out. There is the potential of 2 more employees that will be sponsored by the department. 1st CPR class went well. Other groups are interested in attending a class. The fire and police department will be taking the CPR class given by Josh Luedke. Calendar raffle tickets have been a struggle. Still waiting on the cardiac monitor to come in. Manawa Junior Rodeo is coming up. The ambulance has received the dates for the high school football games. Ryan is starting on the budget. Total ambulance runs for July 2023 were 37. Manawa 24. Little Wolf 5. Royalton 1. Union 4. Lebanon 0. Standby for Clintonville 1. Mutual aid for Clintonville – 2. Total runs for 2023 is at 241. Runs for 2022 at this time was 279.
Audit Committee: Moved to approve Mary Eck, Jackie Beyer and Rod Beyer as the audit committee. Ebert/Roenz. Carried. They will meet on August 29, 2023 to go over 6 months of 2023.
Secretary Position: Moved to raise the secretary, Angie Jacobsen’s wages to $20.00 per hour as of 8/1/23. J Beyer/Roenz. Carried.
Budget Review: Budget discussion. Will provide more info next month. Financial reports were given.
Moved to approve the financial reports. Eck/Roenz. Carried.
Closed Session: Moved to Adjourn into Closed Session at 6:40pm per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract. Roenz/Ebert. Carried.
Closed session minutes:
Open Session: Moved to move into open session at 7:10pm. Eck/R Beyer. Carried. No recommendations from closed session. Informational only.
New Business: Add to next agenda – Audit committee results. LifeQuest New Rates Approval. Budget Review. Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:13pm. R Beyer/Eck. Carried.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at Manawa City Hall President Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, J Roenz, J Henschel. Others present: Chief J Smith, Ambulance Director R Schultz, Secretary A Jacobsen . No Public present.
Moved to approve the July 18, 2023 agenda. Eck/Roenz. Carried.
Moved to approve the June 20, 2023, meeting minutes. Eck/R. Beyer. Carried
Public comment: None
Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. Participating in the County Meet the Fleet Tuesday at Rodeo Grounds. Responded to Coloma Wildland Fire Incident on 7/10/23 as a group of Strike Team Tenders from the County. Received an atv donation from Grip and Rip as a last minute fundraiser idea. Sold all the atv raffle tickets. Brush truck still on schedule for August 31st. Received donation from Sturm Foundation. Will have a designated LZ set up for the Thresheree and Weekender in Symco. We have had 14 incident responses since the last meeting and are currently on call 81 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 10:26, for our incidents is 8:13. 7 in City of Manawa – 1 False Alarm, 1 Stove Fire, 1 Transformer Issue, 4 Lift Assists. 2 in Little Wolf – 2 Lift Assists. 2 in Union – Vehicle Accidents. 1 in Coverage Area – Severe Weather Standby. 1 in Clintonville – Structure Fire. 1 in Coloma – Wildland Fire w/Structure Involved.
Ambulance report: Report given by Director Schultz. Rodeo went well. Had a couple calls at the grounds. Had an active choking call before the rodeo parade and saved the child. The equipment for the CPR classes has been ordered. There will be 3 bills from FVTC because we are sponsoring 3 people. People have inquired about getting applications. Jackie said everyone including Ryan and Josh are doing a great job. Calendar raffle tickets are selling good. Received a donation from First State Bank $86.00. Received donation from Sturm Foundation $7500.00. Received ARPA $12,195.11 and FLEX grant $17,802.50. Cardiac monitor is scheduled to be delivered in August. EMT Bob Fern will be retiring and will be getting him a plaque for service. Colin Moser is now on his own and doing very well. Kenesha is working on grant opportunities. Total ambulance runs for June 2023 were 27. Manawa 14. Little Wolf 9. Royalton 1. Union 1. Lebanon 0. Standby for Clintonville 2. Total runs for 2023 is at 207. Runs for 2022 at this time was 205.
2023 Budget Comparison: Angie provided budget reports for January through June 2023.
Shared Revenue: It will be increasing. Jackie mentioned the levy worksheet and municipalities utilizing the adjustment on the worksheet for fire departments.
Financial reports were given. The ambulance department donation savings account will stay at First State Bank. Moved to approve the financial reports. Eck/Roenz. Carried.
New Business: Angie talked about Manawa Night Out on August 3, 2023. Fire and Ambulance Departments will be there with their vehicles. Fire Board is invited to come. Add to next agenda – Audit committee
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:0pm. Beyer/Eck. Carried.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at Manawa City Hall President Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, J Roenz, J Henschel. Others present: Chief J Smith, Ambulance Director R Schultz, Secretary A Jacobsen . No Public present. Moved to approve the June 20, 2023 agenda. Eck/Roenz. Carried. Moved to approve the May 24, 2023, meeting minutes. Roenz/Ebert. Carried
Public comment: None
Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. Received the wildland gear sets today. There is 1 new member. We are working with the police department in planning the rodeo weekend. We will be watering the rodeo arena before each performance. Fire department assisted with Memorial Day events in the city and in Symco. A crew of 3 went to Propane Training in Weyauwega. The new fire truck completion date has been moved to August. Town of Grant is interested in our old brush truck. Grip and Rip will be hosting a fundraiser to go towards the Manawa Fire Dept. They will be raffling off a child’s atv. 500 tickets will be sold at $10.00 a piece. We have had 11 incident responses since the last meeting and are currently on call 67 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 12:20, for our incidents is 9:10. 5 in City of Manawa – 1 Woods Fire, 1 Fuel Leak, 2 Lift Assist, 1 False Alarms. 3 in Little Wolf – 1 Wildland Fire w/ tractor fire, 1 False Alarm, 1 Vehicle Fire. 1 in Union – Lift Assist. 1 in Royalton – Structure Fire. 1 in Lebanon – Power Line Down/Ditch Fire.
Ambulance report: Report given by Director Schultz. The ambulance department made a profit of $867 from the walking tacos sale. The tickets are in for the calendar raffle. Drawing will be in September. The cardiac monitor will be arriving in August. Ryan renewed the ambulance’s service license with the State. Rodeo schedule is covered. The new hires Colin and Lucas are doing very well. Received 2 new applications. Ryan is working on his refresher course. Save pins were awarded. The ambulance dept. received a donation from Steve & Michelle’s Midtown, County Tavern League and Wis Tavern League for $750. Ryan would like to get more portable radios. Total ambulance runs for May 2023 were 31. Manawa 14. Little Wolf 8. Royalton 3. Union 1. Lebanon 0. Mutual aid for Clintonville 1. Standby for Clintonville 4. Total runs for 2023 is at 172. Runs for 2022 at this time was 205. CPR Classes: Josh Luedtke, training officer, would like to start doing our own CPR classes and offer the classes to other business, schools, and churches. Ryan presented the cost breakdown. He stated that we can used the ARPA funds. Initial cost $2797.68 and recurring cost would be $136. 95
Financial reports were given. Jackie Beyer will move the ambulance department donation savings account that is at First State Bank to Premier Community Bank. She will look into the rate of a checking account vs. savings account. Moved to approve the financial reports. Eck/R Beyer. Carried.
New Business: Add to next agenda - 1st half of 2023 budget comparison. Shared Revenue.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:05pm. Ebert/Roenz. Carried.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance BoardMeeting ProceedingsThursday, May 24, 2023 Manawa Municipal Building
Board President Beyer called the May monthly meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. The open meeting statement was read, and the closed session items removed from the agenda, as it was not necessary.Board members present were Eck, Roenz, Henschel, Ebert, and Handschke. Others present were Fire Chief Smith, Ambulance Director Schultz. No public present.
The Board approved the agenda. The minutes of the regular April, 2023 meeting was approved.
Elections for the Fire Board Officers took place. Those elected were: Jackie Beyer, President Mary Eck, Vice President Jeff Handschke, Sec/Treasurer. All voted by unanimous ballots.
Fire Chief Smith gave his report: (printed report in the minute’s packet). Smith cited 6 calls since last meeting, bringing the year to date total to 57. Response time is averaging 9.08 minutes for in District calls, and 11:35 minutes for MABAS calls. Calendar Raffle and Pancake Breakfast went very well. Working on Rodeo Weekend preparation. The Roster is at 24 with the addition of 2 members.
Ambulance Director Schultz gave his report: (printed report in the minute’s packet). Schultz reported April ambulance runs were 21, and to date is at 143. The Ambulance received a $10,000 donation from ThedaCare, which was much appreciated! Will be holding a fundraiser on June 3rd, during the local city wide rummage sale, so come purchase lunch. There will be a calendar raffle in the fall for the Ambulance Department. August will be holding an EMT Basic class. Hired a new EMT, will start in June.
Financial Reports were reviewed. All looked to be in good order, both departments are operating within budget. The Board approved the financial reports, after a motion from Eck/second from Ebert.
New Business: Handschke stated the Town of Lebanon is exploring a larger coverage area for Manawa Ambulance. More info as it develops.
Next meeting of this board is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval. Respectfully Submitted, Jackie Beyer
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance BoardMeeting ProceedingsWednesday, April 12, 2023, at Manawa City Hall
President Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, G Schoen, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, J Roenz. Others present: Fire Joel Henschel, Chief J Smith, Secretary A Jacobsen. Missing: Ambulance Director R Schultz. No Public present.Moved to approve the April 12, 2023, agenda with the addition of Introduction of new Board member. Eck/Schoen. Carried. 8/0.Moved to approve the March 21, 2023, meeting minutes. Eck/Ebert. Carried 8/0Public comment: G Schoen introduced Joel Henschel as the new Town of Union representative. Joel will be replacing Gary Schoen. Jackie and the rest of the board welcomed Joel.
Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. The calendar raffle tickets drawing is going well every night @6pm via Facebook. Planning for the Pancake Breakfast is continuing. Scheduled for April 30 at the fire station as a drive-thru style. J Smith will be attending a 2-day Incident Management Training at the Courthouse again on 4/27 and 4/28. The Fire Department took part in the 4H Super Saturday event on 3/25/23 and received a small donation for doing so. Received a new application and it is in the background check phase. Bank statement was not received by the meeting. He ordered the wildland gear which is paid out of the donation fund. Possibly could use our old gear still or donate to another department or resell it. Jackie stated she would like to see it offered to neighboring communities first. The new truck should arrive at the end of May. Once the truck arrives the equipment will have to be switched from the old truck to the new truck. Chief Smith put an announcement on The Lakes radio station about the no burning ban. We have had 8 incident responses since the last meeting and are currently on call 49 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 12:20, for our incidents is 9:10. 3 in City of Manawa – 1 Lift Assist, 2 False Alarms. 1 in Union – Wildland Fire. 1 in New London – Structure Fire. 2 in Weyauwega - Structure Fires. 1 in Ogdensburg – Structure Fire.
Ambulance report: Report given by Chief Smith. Director Schultz was at training and could not attend the meeting. #826 had an oil change. The outer battery started to heat up while sitting in the station. Chief Smith unhooked the battery. Replaced battery at Suehs Motors. Still waiting on flex grant. Director Schultz applied and received a $10,000 grant through ThedaCare. The money will be used toward the cardiac monitor. Other ambulance employees, Hannah Scheel and Jennifer Arndt will be helping apply for other grants and fundraising. Looking at doing a calendar raffle or bowling tournament for the ambulance department. Airgas contract is coming up for renewal. Will be getting quotes from other departments. Total ambulance runs for March 2023 were 25. Manawa 11. Little Wolf 4. Royalton 2. Union 4. Lebanon 0. Mutual aid for Clintonville 3. Mutual aid for Gold Cross 1. Total runs for 2023 is at 93. Runs for 2022 at this time was 112.
Financial reports were given. In April J Beyer moved the Money Market funds from First State Bank to Premier Community Bank. Interest rate at First State Bank was .02% and Premier Community Bank is 2%. There was discussion if we should move all accounts to Premier Community Bank. It is a good thing to support both banks in the community. LifeQuest is not sending out money as soon as usual. J Beyer emailed them about this issue. Moved to approve the financial reports. Ebert/Schoen. Carried. 8/0.
Closed Session: Moved at 6:35pm to adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Clintonville Area Ambulance Contract. Roenz/Ebert. Carried. 8/0Moved to reconvene into open session at 7:20pm. Handschke/Roenz. Carried. 8/0No Statement Action from Closed Session.
New Business: Will set up special meeting if needed on May 2, 2023. M Eck asked if an internal audit should be done because of the switch of secretary position. Not needed at this time, will continue the every 6 month audit.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm. Handschke/Schoen. Carried. 8/0
These minutes are subject to Board approval. Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at Manawa City HallPresident Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, G Schoen, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, M Frazier. Absent: J Roenz. Others present: Ambulance Director R Schultz, Fire Chief J Smith and Secretary A Jacobsen. No Public present.Moved to approve the March 21, 2023 agenda. Schoen/Ebert. Carried. 9/0.Moved to approve the February 13, 2023 meeting minutes. Ebert/Eck Carried 9/0Public comment: Jeff Handschke wanted to commend the 2 women from the Manawa Ambulance Department that he had to work with on an ambulance call the week before. He said it went flawlessly and they were well trained and knew what they were doing.
Fire Chief Report: Report was given by Chief Smith. Looks as though all the 2% Dues Certifications have been completed for 2023. He attended a Fire and EMS Coalition Lobby Day at the Capitol this last Wednesday with the main focus on Funding. The Calendar Raffle tickets drawing is set to take place on 4/1/2023 @ 6pm via FaceBook Live. Planning for the Pancake Breakfast is continuing which is scheduled for April 30 at the Fire Station drive thru style. He will be attending a 2 day Incident Management training at the Courthouse this Wednesday and Thursday. The Department will be taking part in a Super Saturday 4-H event at the school on 3/25/2023. Tammy Pethke Family donated money to the fire department from their Country Dinner Show. Money will go towards wildland suits. Currently 23 active members. Have not received any new applications. We have had 7 incident responses since last meeting and are currently on call 41 for the 2023 year. Response times for all incidents is 11:40, for our incidents is 9:16. 4 in City of Manawa – 3 Lift Assist, 1 Water Leak Issue with Electrical. 1 in Union – Lift Assist. 1 in Royalton – Lift Assist. 1 in Du Pont – Structure Fire.
Ambulance report: Report given by Director Schultz. Schultz stated the 3 new applicants were interviewed and hired tentatively. 2 of those will need to go to class. One will be done in May if they pass the class. Schultz went to a management class at the Dept. of Health and Human Services. He has a list of grant opportunities. He will start working on those this week. Scheduling is going well. Currently 25 people on the roster but only 10-12 of those take shifts. It is refresher class time. State requires refreshers every 3 years. We have 5 first responders in the area. Some firefighters expressed interest in becoming a first responder. Schultz could not find Airgas original contract, so he reached out them but has not heard back from them. Total ambulance runs for February 2023 were 27. Manawa 17. Little Wolf 3. Royalton 0. Union 3. Lebanon 0. Standby for Clintonville 4. Total runs for 2023 is at 75. Runs for 2022 at this time was 70.
Financial reports were given. J Handschke had a question about the Fire Department Money Market account at First State Bank. He thought it was supposed to be moved to Premier Community Bank because of a better interest rate. Jackie will look into that. Ebert asked if there was any new info about the new truck. Chief Smith said should be here end of May or June. Chief Smith stated that they updated the headlights for the cost of $260 which will be covered by donation fund. Moved to investigate moving the Fire Department Money Market at First State Bank account ending in #....3122 to Premier Community Bank based on what Jackie finds out about the interest rate. Handschke/Eck. Carried. 9/0. Moved to approve the financial reports. Eck/R Beyer. Carried. 9/0.
Closed Session: Moved at 6:20pm to adjourn into closed session per 19.85(1)(e) for the deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons that require a closed session regarding Ambulance Contract with Clintonville. Schoen/Handschke. Carried. 9/0
Moved to reconvene into open session at 7:20pm. Schoen/Ebert. Carried. 9/0Statement Action from Closed Session: Add to next month meeting agenda, Response from Clintonville Area Ambulance.New Business: Schoen asked why the assessments were not being emailed and the paper copy had the wrong address. A Jacobsen will be emailing the invoices next quarter and checking the mailing addresses.Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 6:00pm.Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm. R Beyer/Schoen. Carried.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary
Manawa Rural Fire/Ambulance Board Meeting Proceedings Monday, February 13, 2023, 6pmManawa City HallPresident Beyer called the regular monthly meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The Open Meeting Statement was read. Board members present: J Beyer, R Beyer, G Schoen, J Handschke, M Ebert, M Eck, J Roenz. Others present: Ambulance Director R Schultz, Fire Chief J Smith and Secretary A Jacobsen. No Public present.Approve the February 13, 2023 agenda. Eck/Schoen. Carried. 9/0.Approval January 17, 2023 meeting minutes. Shoen/Ebert Carried 9/0No Public commentFire Chief Report was given by Chief Smith. We have received 2% dues certification from 3 townships and still waiting on 2 more. Hosted the annual Intro to Wildland Fire Training led by the DNR last Saturday. Fire Chief Smith received 6 or 7 supportive email responses back from area fire chiefs. Chief Smith read the email and responses to the board. Calendar raffle tickets have been handed out to the members and businesses and the drawing will be done in April 2023. Drawing will be at 6pm on Facebook. Pancake Breakfast will be April 30, 2023 as a drive through at the Fire Station. Chief will be attending lobbing training in Madison on March 15 and a 2 day Incident Management Training at the Waupaca County Courthouse in March. The department has received 10 incident responses since last meeting with a total of 34 for 2023. Response time for all incidents is 11:34, for our incidents is 9:37. J Beyer commented that Chief Smith handled the chief to chief email very well.Ambulance report given by Director Schultz. Schultz stated we may be seeing less standby time for Clintonville. He has received 2 more applications. He is interested in setting up our own oxygen cascade system. He is looking for the original Airgas lease. Schultz will bring the cost to the next board meeting. He closed the donation account at First State Bank and moved to Premier Community Bank. Total ambulance runs for January 2023 were 27. In January 2022 there were 33 runs. Total runs for 2023 is at 42. 2022 at this time is was 46.Approve the hire of Angie Jacobsen as the Fire and Ambulance Secretary. Eck/Schoen. Carried. 9/0.Financial reports were given. Did not receive First State fire donation account statements, amounts were not listed on financial reports. Approved by Eck/J Beyer. Carried. 9/0.J Beyer stated that Chief Smith and Director Schultz are doing a wonderful job and that instills confidence in the departments. Roenz stated that it is good to see mutual respect with other agencies.New Business: Chief Smith spoke about the Mobile card issue. J Beyer will call and discuss it with Mobil. Smith stated the Workmans Comp audit was filled out and sent in by Zirbel. We have received an invoice. He called and received explanation of the invoice. It is due to the balance of townships and how employees are paid and increase of wages.Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6:00pm at the Manawa City Hall.Motion was made by Schoen/R Beyer to adjourn the meeting at 6:40pm.These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Angie Jacobsen Secretary